129 min read

PyData 2017 - A Visualization Exploration

PyData 2017, held on the Microsoft campus in the summer of 2017 featured many awesome speakers sharing their visualization libraries. Here are some examples using my own data to take them out on a spin.

Visualization Notebook!

# jupyter nbconvert --to html ~/repos/blog/notebooks/visualizations_demo.ipynb

Python Visualization Libraries


There were at least 3 tributes to Hans Rosling

Pandas & Seaborn

Stephen Elston presented Exploring Data with Python using pandas and seaborn visualization libraries. What's nice about these python libraries is that not many lines of code are required to create compelling visualizations.

First, load data again, but subset this time

Can use Pandas or Dask so we'll start with Dask and then convert to Pandas for fun!

In [15]:
# !pip3 install bokeh matplotlib seaborn
In [1]:
trans_file = 'data/transactions.csv'
data_types = {'type': str,
            'type_description': str,
            'federal_action_obligation': float,
            'description': str,
            'award': str,
            'fiscal_year': int,
            'recipient_legal_entity_id': str,
            'recipient_recipient_name': str,
            'recipient_business_types_description': str,
            'recipient_city_local_government': str,
            'recipient_county_local_government': str,
            'recipient_inter_municipal_local_government': str,
            'recipient_local_government_owned': str,
            'recipient_municipality_local_government': str,
            'recipient_school_district_local_government': str,
            'recipient_township_local_government': str,
            'recipient_us_state_government': str,
            'recipient_us_federal_government': str,
            'recipient_federal_agency': str,
            'recipient_federally_funded_research_and_development_corp': str,
            'recipient_us_tribal_government': str,
            'recipient_foreign_government': str,
            'recipient_private_university_or_college': str,
            'recipient_educational_institution': str,
            'recipient_contracts': str,
            'recipient_grants': str,
            'recipient_receives_contracts_and_grants': str,
            'recipient_location_location_id': str,
            'recipient_location_country_name': str,
            'recipient_location_state_code': str,
            'recipient_location_state_name': str,
            'recipient_location_state_description': str,
            'recipient_location_city_name': str,
            'recipient_location_city_code': str,
            'recipient_location_county_name': str,
            'recipient_location_county_code': str,
            'recipient_location_congressional_code': str,
            'recipient_location_zip5': str,
            'recipient_location_location_country_code': str,
            'place_of_performance_location_id': str,
            'place_of_performance_country_name': str,
            'place_of_performance_state_code': str,
            'place_of_performance_state_name': str,
            'place_of_performance_state_description': str,
            'place_of_performance_city_name': str,
            'place_of_performance_county_name': str,
            'place_of_performance_county_code': str,
            'place_of_performance_congressional_code': str,
            'place_of_performance_zip5': str,
            'place_of_performance_location_country_code': str,
            'assistance_data_fain': str,
            'assistance_data_uri': str,
            'assistance_data_cfda_number': str,
            'assistance_data_cfda_title': str,
            'assistance_data_non_federal_funding_amount': str,
            'assistance_data_total_funding_amount': str,
            'assistance_data_face_value_loan_guarantee': str,
            'assistance_data_original_loan_subsidy_cost': str,
            'assistance_data_reporting_period_start': str,
            'assistance_data_reporting_period_end': str,
            'assistance_data_period_of_performance_start_date': str,
            'assistance_data_period_of_performance_current_end_date': str,
            'assistance_data_cfda_program_number': str,
            'assistance_data_cfda_program_title': str,
            'assistance_data_cfda_federal_agency': str,
            'assistance_data_cfda_url': str,
            'contract_data_piid': str,
            'contract_data_naics_description': str
trans_cols = ['type','type_description','federal_action_obligation','description','award','fiscal_year',
In [2]:
import dask.dataframe as dd
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = dd.read_csv(trans_file, dtype=data_types, usecols=trans_cols)
In [3]:
# convert Dask dataframe to Pandas dataframe
pdf = df.compute()
type type_description federal_action_obligation description award fiscal_year recipient_legal_entity_id recipient_recipient_name recipient_business_types_description recipient_city_local_government ... assistance_data_reporting_period_start assistance_data_reporting_period_end assistance_data_period_of_performance_start_date assistance_data_period_of_performance_current_end_date assistance_data_cfda_program_number assistance_data_cfda_program_title assistance_data_cfda_federal_agency assistance_data_cfda_url contract_data_piid contract_data_naics_description
0 06 Direct Payment for Specified Use -35857.0 UNKNOWN TITLE 870652 2017 671891 School Board Pinellas County County Government NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN 84.063 Federal Pell Grant Program NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 06 Direct Payment for Specified Use 1689.0 UNKNOWN TITLE 879565 2017 645335 AMERICAN COLLEGE OF HEALTHCARE SCIENCES, INC. Private Institution of Higher Education NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN 84.063 Federal Pell Grant Program NaN NaN NaN NaN
2 08 Guaranteed/Insured Loan 0.0 7(A) EXPORT LOAN GUARANTEES 1123427 2017 820841 THE PRODUCE CONNECTION, INC. Small Business NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN 59.054 7(a)Export Loan Guarantees NaN NaN NaN NaN
3 07 Direct Loan NaN UNKNOWN TITLE 874459 2017 645809 CAPPS COLLEGE, INC. Private Institution of Higher Education NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN 84.268 Federal Direct Student Loans NaN NaN NaN NaN
4 11 Other Financial Assistance 26744.0 NaN 254702 2017 214805 MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS Other NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN 64.040 VHA Inpatient Medicine NaN NaN NaN NaN

5 rows × 68 columns


Create counts by Award Type to see number of award per type

Note that you must set %matplotlib inline to render plots in notebooks.

In [4]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.ticker

# find the counts for each unique type of Contract Award
counts = pdf['type_description'].value_counts()

# define plot area
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16,12))

# define axis
ax = fig.gca()
counts.plot.bar(ax = ax) 
    matplotlib.ticker.FuncFormatter(lambda y, p: format(int(y), ',')))

Seaborn Library is nice

Let's dig deeper into Grant Awards by State and use countplot to see how awards are distributed across the USA.

In [5]:
grants = pdf[pdf['type'].isin(['02','03','04','05'])].sort_values(by='place_of_performance_state_code')

# check that sort worked looking at first 10 records
AK    4.588254e+07
AL    8.323904e+06
AR    4.034662e+06
AS    2.754515e+07
AZ    1.094554e+08
CA    1.535202e+08
CO    2.677621e+07
CT    2.975402e+06
DC    2.329358e+07
DE    6.403650e+05
Name: federal_action_obligation, dtype: float64
In [6]:
import seaborn as sns

# Set grid scale and font-size

# Initialize the matplotlib figure
f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(25, 40))

# Count of Awards by State broken down by Type of Grant
ax = sns.countplot(y="place_of_performance_state_code", 

# Set Labels
ax.set(xlabel='Award Count', ylabel='Place of Performance')


And now Bokeh!

Bokeh logo\ Bokeh is an interactive Visualization Library that makes it easy to create rich visualizations without a single line of D3! Their roadmap includes integration with Altair which is another viz library created by Jake Vanderplas and also their JS Code migration to Typescript.

Award Amounts by Performance State example

Inspired by Texas Unemployment Rate, http://bokeh.pydata.org/en/0.11.1/docs/gallery/texas.html

In [10]:
from bokeh.io import push_notebook, show, output_notebook
from bokeh.models import (
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from bokeh.sampledata.us_states import data as states

Loading BokehJS ...

Get the amounts by State for total Awards from previously loaded dataframe

In [12]:
state_amounts = pdf.groupby(pdf.place_of_performance_state_code).federal_action_obligation.sum()

Bokeh provide sample data which is great and makes it easy to join to State awards

This is cool because we don't have Lat & Long in USA Spending Data

In [13]:
state_xs = [state["lons"] for state in states.values()]
state_ys = [state["lats"] for state in states.values()]

state_names = [state['name'] for state in states.values()]
state_obligations = [state_amounts[state_id] for state_id in states]

# colorblind-safe palette courtesy of http://colorbrewer2.org
colors = ["#edf8fb", "#ccece6", "#99d8c9", "#66c2a4", "#2ca25f", "#006d2c"]
state_colors = []
# creating index for choropleth using log of Total Obligation
for state_id in states:
        obligation = state_amounts[state_id]
        if obligation >= 0:
            idx = int(np.log(obligation)/4)
            idx = 1
    except KeyError:
source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(

Now you can customize the visualization components for amazing User Experience

All the Plot Tools!

In [14]:
TOOLS = "pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,hover,save"

p = figure(
    title="Federal Contract Award Obligations, 2017", tools=TOOLS, toolbar_location="left",
    x_axis_location=None, y_axis_location=None, plot_width=2000, plot_height=500

p.grid.grid_line_color = None

p.patches('x', 'y', source=source,
          fill_color='color', fill_alpha=0.7,
          line_color="white", line_width=0.5)

hover = p.select_one(HoverTool)
hover.point_policy = "follow_mouse"

hover.tooltips = [
    ("Name", "@name"),
    ("Total Contract Award Obligation", "$@obligation{1,}")

show(p, notebook_handle=True)

<Bokeh Notebook handle for In[14]>
